
Together we can make an extraordinary difference

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Tithes & Offerings

Christians give tithes and offerings as an act of worship and obedience to God, reflecting their faith, gratitude, and commitment to their religious beliefs. The practice of giving tithes and offerings has its roots in the teachings of the Bible and has been a significant part of Christian tradition for centuries.

Tithing, which means giving one-tenth of one's income or possessions, is often seen as a way to acknowledge God's ownership and provision over all aspects of life. It is based on passages from the Old Testament, such as in the book of Leviticus, where God commanded the Israelites to give a tenth of their produce and livestock for the support of the priesthood and the maintenance of the tabernacle.

For Christians, tithing goes beyond mere financial contribution. It serves as a reminder that everything they have ultimately comes from God, and by giving back, they demonstrate their trust in Him to provide for their needs. It is an expression of gratitude for the blessings received and an act of acknowledging God's faithfulness in their lives.

Offerings, on the other hand, go beyond the prescribed tithe and refer to additional contributions made voluntarily by individuals. These offerings can be in the form of monetary gifts, time, skills, or material possessions. Christians view offerings as an opportunity to give sacrificially, supporting the work of the church, charity, missions, and other worthy causes.

The motivations behind giving tithes and offerings can vary among Christians, but there are some common underlying principles. Firstly, it is a way to honor God and express love for Him. By giving sacrificially, Christians demonstrate their commitment to follow Jesus' example of selflessness and generosity.

Secondly, tithes and offerings are a means to support the work of the church and its ministries. They help maintain places of worship, support clergy and staff, facilitate outreach programs, provide for the needy, and promote spiritual growth within the congregation. Christians believe that by giving, they actively participate in advancing God's kingdom and fulfilling the Great Commission to spread the Gospel.

Lastly, tithing and offerings are seen as an act of stewardship. Christians view themselves as stewards of God's resources, entrusted with managing them wisely for the benefit of others and the glory of God. Giving generously reflects their recognition that they are called to be faithful managers of the blessings they have received.

It's important to note that while giving tithes and offerings is encouraged in Christianity, it is not intended to be a burden or a requirement for salvation. Christians are called to give cheerfully and according to their means, recognizing that God looks at the heart and the attitude behind the giving rather than the amount.

Giving FAQs

Accountability and integrity are vitally important in every aspect of our church, and it’s no different when it comes to finances. We will always honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and transparency so that Riverview Christian remains beyond reproach.

What is the most cost-effective method of giving?

The most cost-effective method of giving to Riverview Christian is the “bank account” option. This method has the lowest processing costs which allows us to put more of your gift to work in ministry.

What address do I use to mail donations to Riverview Christian?

Riverview Christian
3301 Stoudt's Ferry Bridge Rd.
Reading PA, 19605

Other Questions? 

If there is anything else we can help with, email us at